Friday, 7 December 2012

The Real-world Things That Define These Uncommon Colors

The greenish-blue hue of teal has become a common presence in corporate offices. The name derives from a much more natural source: the colors that surround the eye of the Common Teal, a duck that thrives in Europe and Asia. Now, how about a color with one of the goofiest names in existence?

Periwinkle is the name of a plant and a sea snail, but the color is linked to the cool blue flower of the vine-like evergreen. The word derives from the Latin "pervincire," to entwine. What's the origin of an equally fancy color term, vermilion?

The odd reddish portions of this crystal are a nasty mix of mercury and sulfur. If vermilion, another name for this color, reminds you a little of the word "worm," congratulations. Vermilion derives from a term meaning larva because ingredients for a related dye came from the crushed bodies of insects.

Imagine living in a place where the water is such a vibrant blue that a color is named after the aquatic sight. Capri is described as a blue between azure and cyan. It is also a Mediterranean island off the coast of Italy.

The color burgundy is described as a grayish red-brown to dark blackish-purple, but here a picture may convey the meaning of the word with more zest and efficiency.The classic wine and the hue share the same name origin: a region in the center of France.

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